2002.09.02 - Green Bay, WI, USA @ Resch Center

Source: Mini Disc --- Sony ECM-MS907 > Sony MZ-R55 

For the recording equipment used, I am very shocked about the clarity and overall quality. Most of the time, Sony mics drive me nuts but this recording is not the case. The vocals are crisp and clear, guitar is present, drums are kicking and the bass is almost perfectly pitched. Not much more to ask for in a recording. Nice job to whomever the taper is. Tool, on the other hand, seems to be having the night on their mind. It seems to me that this is just another gig, in another town, on another day. That is actually totally fine but I think that demonstrates their professionalism. I mean, I can sit here & critique a performance by audio only but do I even know what I am talking about? Some people would say no. I would tend to agree, on some parts. However, I have listened to enough Tool where I can say with confidence which shows seemed enjoyable to the band and which seemed like just another gig. This show was, for Tool,  another gig.

 CD 1

CD 2

The Grudge
(-) Ions
(Suspicious Minds)
46 & 2


Source B: DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > CSB BB > Sony TCD-D7
DAT-M > DAT-1 > hard drive > WAV (one track)
Taper: “ “
DAT Gen:
1st from Master

Notes: V
ery good audience recording of a source that had been buried for just about 8 years. Low crowd noise although not recorded completely near a stack it does have a pleasant mix of ambience and a pinch of vibrant sound. Let this be a lesson; none other than Mr. Nameloc managed to cull this pleasant recording via interactions with the taper over emails, snail-mail trades and extended social exchanges. That's how you do it, that's how one really pulls out recordings. But you have to put in some amount of work and follow through in order to get from point A to B in whatever it is this life throws at you. This source, very well, could have gone unnoticed in the sands and waves of time. From what I recall, the taper was rather nonchalant/cool about the source. The taper also cloned a copy from his DAT-M for cu.org where it is very much appreciated and content in it's home next to it's other friends.   
Notes 2024:
I am somewhat surprised that this source has not made it out, anywhere.

Maynardism: "The pack is back. Are we in Green Bay or not? Sounds more like Milwaukee. So prove me wrong.”

Time: 118:14