1993.XX.XX - Travel Video - Paul D'Amour - VHS #2

Source: Hi 8MM Video
Transfer: Hi 8MM Video (Master) > VHS > DVD (Galen 2002)
Filmer: Paul D’Amour + Unknown
Notes on this source: This is certainly a treat to finally share some information about this unique capture. Many, many moons ago I was contacted by someone very close to the band, more specifically the former bassist, who provided me with two VHS tapes sourced from Paul D’Amour’s Hi 8MM tapes. Truth be told, it’s not like there are elements of ‘private things’ on this video but all of this video is behind the scenes, private stuff. Sadly, the individual is no longer around to answer emails or speak on the phone. There was a DVD version of this CU.ORG ascertained many moons ago which was essentially this, however, it was a bit incomplete for some reason. Particularly on this VHS, there is video of D’Amour’s family(?)/extended family - I don’t know. But those folks did not ask to be put on a video let alone 30+ years later. Such reasons why this is something CU.ORG is making no moves on, one way or the other. But it does exist and there must be at least a few copies floating around (or were at some point) as, in the past, there were some YouTube shorts with elements from this tape.
Notes: This video is all about footage of Tool on stage at three concerts both of which one could argue were filmed by a blind albino experiencing a seizure whilst extremely high on meth cooked out of the skull of a racoon found on the side of the road, glistening in the sun.
1) The first performance, with cuts, is about 18 minutes of footage from the University of British Columbia Fieldhouse from Lollapalooza on June 18, 1993; the first performance of Lollapalooza ‘93. Tool were on the second stage (a spot they would not stay at for long). It is quite cool to see them performing inside but, clearly, during the day. This is an interesting piece of footage particularly that there is a SBD of said referenced show. What is particularly intriguing, to me, is the placement of the filmer, literally on stage and he/she/they/whatnot were focusing on the crowd. At one point, Adam Jones’ back is to the filmer and, I don’t know, it is just telling that Tool would rise to the levels that they did. The audiences, the crowd knew. Speaking of which, Tool crowds were very, very different back in the day - people moshing, fighting, jumping, etc. Reminded me of taping the band back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s (now the crowds are way more mellow; y’all are getting old, not me, y’all :o).
2) Concert footage is from an outdoor Lollapalooza show. Based on the content, lack of talking/cuts and no special guests your guess is as good as mine as to what show it is sourced from. I do believe I’ve heard the performance before but then again it could be wishful thinking. Lots of cuts. A considerable amount of focus on the crazy Tool mosh pits. Lots of smoke, lots of people raging to Tool with a decent amount of focus on the crowd. MJK was directly a front-man at the early stages of Tool, sometimes I forget that. But here you can see him snarling and convulsing while screaming at the audience. Some good footage of Adam, Danny and of course Paul as well.
3) The third performance is not a Lollapalooza date as it appears to be a small club, somewhere. This is not complete but it is about ~30 minutes with some cuts. It appears to be filmed from behind the board. Do not get me wrong, a lot about this video screams shitty bootleg filming but I assure you this was filmed with permission by at least one member of the band. I searched and searched and asked the source who provided this VHS #2 as well as VHS #1 and, honestly, no one knows for sure where this venue was as it is doubtful it still exists. Have you been to a venue in the early 1990’s with “1-800-265-MUCH” in the background? As best as I can figure, this could be in reference to MUCH Music which was a TV Station from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you know, email me (not a link): collectiveunconsciousorg@gmail.com
Time: 1:09:57