2002.10.18 - Kalamazoo, MI, USA @ Wings Stadium

Source A: Mini Disc -- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony MZ-R700
Transfer: MD-M > Tascam MD 301 MK-II > UXL24/96 > Goldwave
Taping Position: Front of Stack (directly)
Taper: Galen
Gen: collectiveunconscious.org Master Recording
Notes 2024: Although I have thoroughly enjoyed every single show this particular setlist and performance has always been among my all time favorites. I was literally in front of the stack, like, I could touch it; stage right in front of Adam. Tool were just on fire this evening. Opening with Cold & Ugly then closing the first set with Third Eye with both the Leary and Hicks speeches? Get out of town! Fantastic. And, I really appreciate this recording as my CSB>R700 equipment was pushed to its max. Among my favorite pulls. Add to the fact that Knobby hooked me up with a setlist only makes me appreciate this even more. Oh, and the backstage pass, that’s probably best left for another discussion… I spent some time attempting to expand the sonic depth of this recording using various EQ processes in 2023 after the fresh transfer from the Master Discs.
Notes 2002: This show was the 2nd time they played Third Eye this tour & the 3rd time for Cold & Ugly. The morning after; it is now Oct. 19, 2002. This was the first time I stood this close to the stacks of speakers at a Tool show & was the 7th time of partaking in Tool's live experience. The other microphones I was using could not handle the frequencies & would have, definitely, brickwalled severely. As it is, CSBs are absolutely great mics; you get what you pay for. My only regret is not having these mics before. As for the show, it was really good. The best show I've seen since the State Theatre show back in 05.18.01. Actual energy, an altered setlist & excellent sound made this special -- also being in a new location. I was unable to see any of the visuals being so close but had a perfect view of (in order): Adam, Justin & Danny. MJK was partially obscured but who cares, anyway? Adam really is an excellent musician; focused. Thought about going to the right side of the speakers to get a view but there were loads of screaming people yelling 'Maynard' so there was no way I wanted to do that. Place I had was great anyway, other than a few moshers & screamers on only two occasions, I consider myself lucky --> got great sound and minimal scarring from the crowd. As for Meshuggah, they are way better than I remember them being last year.. Now I at least have an idea of why Tool asked them for openers. During the last 2 minutes of Lateralus, I fought my way back to the sound-booth. Talked to the sound-engineer & he handed me a setlist. Asked him a few questions; two of which I will relay here. The first is that Tool pick out the songs they want to play the day of the show. Second, I asked him why Brixton Academy in London got such an odd setlist the two nights of 2002, see here & here, & he said 'oh, I don't know about that mate, but we did end up spilling two pints on the board' (pointing to the sound-board). That type of talking as well as my friends & I chatting away are the 'post-show'.
"Kalamazoo? Sounds more like Grand Rapids. Kalamazoo...interesting."
"Thank you Meshuggah. Clive & Gustav for joining us on drums. Thank you very much for sharing this moment with us tonight. we realize that some of this information can be kind of overwhelming and we would like you to take care on your driving home & you don't masturbate yourself into oblivion, past out dead in your car. That would be a bad thing. We're hoping that you discovered something about yourself tonight. We're hoping that one some level you are inspired and/or healed - or just plain horny. We suggest you go home, curl up in front of a fire place, put on a copy of Caligula and have sex. Bring someone if you really want to make it interesting. Thank you for coming, thank you for having arrived. We'll see you on the other side."
2024 Time: 2:38:42
Intro I - Robert Fripp
Intro II - Tuva
Cold & Ugly
The Grudge
(-) Ions
(Suspicious Minds + White Lines)
Third Eye
(Bill Hicks + Dr. Leary Intro)
post-show (talking)
Source B: Analog --- Sony ECM-DS70P > Sony TCM-20DV
Taper: Tyler
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes: Although the taper used a cassette recorder, was a distance away from the stack & had some loud people by him, the recording turned out rather nice, all things considered. There are no brick-walls & the only -minor- complaint is that the high end seems to have just a slight amount of distortion if you listen for it. Really, for using what he did, this is a recording he should be proud of. One of North America's last cassette tapers = Tyler. Nice job. Now, this is the same taper as 08.26.02 so if you've heard that then you have an idea what this recording sounds like only this is a bit cleaner. The issue is, he traded out the Detroit to a few people who he assumed would not change nor alter the disc lengths, rip to MP3 or SHN or indiscriminately trade out. As a result, his recording ended up everywhere - MP3, SHN & the discs were shortened up to 2 instead of 3, as he had intended (they reflect cassette tape change). As an end result, that is the explanation why this is not for trade. Besides, the overwhelming majority of collectors would listen to other sources before this one...
CD 1
Time: 42:30
CD 2
Time: 42:10
CD 3
Time: 34:43
Source C: DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony PCM-M1 (Oade Bros. Mod II)
Taper: Smagmapig
Notes: Very nice recording. In a perfect taping world, more recordings would sound very much like this particular recording. The crowd is present but not in any way over-bearing, the vocals aren't 'in your face' but are a perfect match to the guitar, bass & drums. I was at this show, I seriously do not know where the taper was at. The venue was relatively small and the sound was quite good, all around. But he was probably closer than farter away, that is for sure. Honestly, there really isn't much more to say except that this is probably one of the better 2002 recordings I, at least, have heard. Nice job 'pig. Also, this show was apparently only released in the SHN format & on the Tool Hub. All tradable & circulated copies are from SHN.
CD 1
Time: 72:42
CD 2
Time: 54:36
Source D: Digital8 --- Realistic 33-1065 > Sony TRV330
Gen: Master Clone > DVD
Notes: Virtually a crystal clear recording, this show was the best Tool show I've attended yet. Just the energy alone that night was enough to drive some people insane. Although I was standing directly in front of the left stack of speakers, the taper of this source was positioned almost dead-center but a little bit to the right. This DVD has some of the clearest and steadiest recording I've seen in a live recording. It's hard to believe that Danny really can hit that hard - but he does, obviously. Surprisingly, there are some really nice and clear shots of Maynard totally in focus & almost completely in the light. This taper knows what he is doing. Unfortunately, he should've checked his batteries as they run out during the intermission. Oh well...got the majority &, really, that's what counts.
Time: 78:57