2001.10.28 - Houston, TX, USA @ Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
Source: Unknown Mini-DV Recording Equipment
Source: VHS > DVD
Notes: Although a bit rare, there may be a reason for such a situation. The audio distorts or brick walls when the bass hits & the high-end isn't all that much better, to be honest. In fact, this recording is definitely best left for completionist collector's as I doubt many people will really get a huge kick out of a lot of --bluahggh, bluahggh-- bass sound. Lots of people talking. Tons of distortion. Definitely buil-in microphones. The video itself is shaky, out of focus & the camera moves a fair amount of time as well. There are a few good close-ups, mainly of Maynard & the screen so it is worthwhile to check out, for those that are into it. The performance is quite good, of course, but it seems like Tool may be getting a little bored this night. It could be simply the recording that makes the show seem sort of blasé; I really don't know. Usually, slightly distorted recordings do not bother me but the sonic brickwall does get under my skin. Also, the taper really, really likes to talk & comment -- nice, nice - "hope they play Sober!" and "this is the trippy part - trippy, trippy!" Ah, such insight into the human condition... thank you. Take that for what it's worth.
Maynardism: "Thank you Perry & thank you Hawk. Hawk & Perry from Tricky, thank you very much. And of course, Mark & Hannah from Osseus Labyrinth."
Time: 1:40:54
The Grudge
(-) Ions
<with vocal rap by Perry from Tricky>
<with Perry & Hawk from Tricky>
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient