2006-05-26 A

2006.05.26 - Lisbon, Portugal @ Superrock Festival

Source A:  Hi-Mini Disc --- Sony ECM-T145 > Sony MZ-N710 > Master .WAV > CD Wave (Tracking) > .WAV > .FLAC (Level 8)
Tiago Teixeira
2nd from Master

Notes 1:
Tracked and FLACed on 7-06-2006 by Geordy. First night of the 2006 European Tour. Recording is incomplete, missing Ænema. The taper kindly requests that you DO NOT TORRENT this recording.Notes 2: Hmm. Recording is definitely from the audience, at least some distance from the speakers & is rather ambient. But ambient maybe not in the best way as there is a lot of crowd chatter during & between songs. Speaking of which, between some songs, it sounds like that taper is ripping paper. Or eating. Or moving the microphones. This is not a major concern but is worth noting. Of more concern is the overall sound. The bass can sort of *flood* but not in a smooth, easy & delicious way; more like a "blugh" type of sound. There is some high end clarity but then again there is a lot of swishy-sounding microphone phasing that is rather prevalent. Tool appeared to be in good form however the recording basically picks up this performance from a distance. In comparison with many other 2006 recordings; it is arguable whether most casual, or any, collectors would listen to this recording more than once. As such, I recommend this for collectors only. As a note, if this recording was from the 1992-1994 then this would get a higher rating but not so with the technology of this day & age.

"Take your clothes off. You people are up past your bedtime. We're going to get you all to sign a waiver. Sean Kinneys birthday. 40 years old."                                                                                  

Time: 76:17

The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Right In Two

2006-05-26 B

Source B: Mini Disc --- Sony ECM-DS70P > Sony MZ-R700
Taper:  Nuno Pereira

The bass is pervasively plagued with mild distortion throughout the show - both when the kick drum hits & from lower bass frequencies when Justin hits notes. The mid-levels are decent however the higher levels often warble & more or less sound synthetic. Surprisingly, MJK's vocals are rather clear throughout but this does not make up for a source that has mild distortion on every track. However, a recording is usually better than nothing. it is so with this source. Had this been a recording from even 1994 then I would not take this harsh tone with this source. But, this is the era of 10K Days when the majority of recordings are of excellent quality & when a recording suffers for whatever reason (including the old ATRAC compression via MD) the source stands out for that reason. Coupled with a lot of crowd noise, this source is not bad enough to be only for collectors -but- it is recommended to be for collectors only.


2006-05-26 C

Source C: Mini Disc --- Sony ECM-719 > Sharp MT-877
  Iron Pedro

 As of 04/2007 there are three known sources for this performance to be floating around in trade-circles or ortherwise, however, all of them are either for collectors only or are right on the borderline. This source features distorted mid + high level frequencies with a quasi-distorted bass thump (and kick drum) to boot. Although MJK's vocals are almost too-loud in the mix they too distort at certain points throughout this less than mediocre recording. Yes, most time a recording is better than nothing at all but it would be surprising to me if even people that were at this show would pick this source to put on headphones, close the eyes & let your mind take you to a Tool show. No real chance of that happening... although stranger things have happened. Hell, how in the hell did Fall Out Boy even sell one album? I don't get it. 
