I believe I paid $150 for this autographed poster back in 2010. Art by Justin chancellor.

2010.06.26 - St. Charles, MO, USA @ Family Arena
Source A: DAT --- DPA 4061 > MPS 6030 > Sony PCM-M1 (Oade Mod II) @ 48khz
Source A1: DAT / m
Transfer: DAT-M > Tascam DA-20 > WAV
Location: ~15' front of board, north of mosh pit, south of heaven but West of Hell
Taper: Galen
Gen: Master
2024 Notes: One thing that really sticks out in my mind is the quality of this setlist. Any show with Third Eye and Intolerance is going to be a great listen. The other thing that sticks out is my buddy Nameloc made the drive out to St. Charles with me for a road trip. Despite having tracked this source out years ago I was not happy with the overall sound thus this was retransferred and EQ'd in 2024 in preparation of the release of this capture. At the time, I thought a lot of the vocals were buried and it was a sonic mess, however, I was wrong. With a little bit of work, this source cleaned up real nice and is an accurate representation of how it was at the concert that evening. There are some crowd-related issues one cannot control such as some dude next to me during Third Eye yelling “Randy” a few times. Until 2025, this source was just collecting dust. Hope y'all enjoy.
Notes: This particular show was certainly a lot of work, for me, at least. Arguably, I made the wrong decision to leave my wife & child for one night, driving hours & hours to a rock concert but, in my defense which is not much, it was the closest show to my geographic location even being 9+ hrs away. Was my first time in MO, maybe my last. The crowd was a bit crazy but the venue security was so lax, you could've snuck a case of beer, 3 Cuban cigars and an entire TV crew full of cameras. It's bizarre, some venues the doors are actually quite tough but at this show a light pat down, maybe, and some people were able to come/go from the venue as they pleased. Thought the performance was rather loose and the band seemed to be having a good time, which was surely nice to see. Thus when I say loose, what I mean is there were a couple spots where the mechanical machine that is Tool seemed more - relaxed. And that's ok. For fun, I included the entirety of 3rd Eye as the MP3 sample; a little bit of crowd noise and pushing from moshers but I'm pleased with the pull. This is the stack (click here) which blew sound directly at us from above so, in some way, this is sort of a 'front of stack recording' by default of location. I lightened up the picture to make it more visible, not too bad for a 2G iPhone. The image on this page was also taken at this show, FYI. Lastly, here are a couple pictures of my favorite Tool fanatic who I saw in the parking lot.
Time: 1:47:21
Third Eye
(Timothy Leary intro)
" For the next two hours..whatever’s going on 'out there'… has nothing to do with what’s going on in here."
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
"How many of you are twenty years old or younger? You weren't born when we wrote this next song...those of you between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-five, you can wipe that smug look off of your faces, you were somewhere between one and five... so.. eyes up."
"Gordy, from Wovenhand, thank you very much for occupying that space.. It's all gonna work out. Hey, ya' heard the one about the pope, the rabbi... and the... EHH,..EHH,..EHH"
Source B: Hi-Mini Disc --- ATU853(c) > CBM40s/PS2 > Sony M100(PCM)
Transfer: Master > CD (one track)
Location: ~15' front of board, north of mosh pit, south of heaven
Taper: Nameloc - miss you man
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes: Nameloc and I met outside of Indianapolis and finished up the ~9hr (one-way) drive to catch what was to surely be a fantastic performance of Tool. The, then, new additions were highly anticipated by rabid fans or fools, actually, fools who would spend way to much time on a band that seems to appreciate it's fan base as Bush likes to be referred to as the worst President in history (which is actually true). This particular source is a delight, it really is. It's amazing what the difference between microphones is and can be. We stood directly next to each other, sometimes warding off moshers behind us and sometimes appreciative of a marine who simply laid-out an antagonist or moshing enthusiast. Hit him right upside the temple, dude fell right down after that the mosh pit moved a little. This recording very accurately captures the ambience, fluidity of performance and textured layers of sound blasting from the speakers. In some way, this is sort of a 'front of stack recording' by location default, probably why it sounds so deep. The entire track of Intolerance is up for a sample so you can see for yourself if you dig this sweet source or not.
Time: ~100 minutes
Source C: Solid State --- SONY ECM717 BATTERY POWER > ZOOM H2 LINE-IN
Location: SEC. 115 ROW M (SIDE STAGE)
Notes: I, for one, found this source to be quite surprising in it's sound and overall quality, nice job to the taper. With the mics used I was expecting some high end bleed or distortion however there are none. The bass rolls nicely & MJKs vocals are clear in the mix. From location described by taper he must have been relatively close to the speakers as there is not a ton of ambience in this source. That's ok, it sounds much better than the equipment used. Perhaps this taper's got the touch? Good one, I would definitely listen to this source again as there is plenty of replay potential.
Time: 1:48:49
Source D: Unknown Video Recording
Taper: Richard
Notes: This is a great video. This source is complete, a tough task to pull off at a Tool show I don’t care what skill level you think you are operating at. This source has some fantastic close-ups which are not shaky or grainy; something which is rare. The filmer absolutely had experience prior to this Tool show as it is as professional as it could get for stealth recording a band. Wish I knew more about this source as it is one of the best videos known to exist of Tool - especially in 2010.
Time: 1:48:23