2001.08.08 - Portland, OR, USA @ Schnitzer Concert Hall
Source: Unknown Mini Disc Recording Equipment
Taper: Unknown
Gen: 2nd from Master
Notes: Good sounding show. This is one of the only non-MP3 sourced versions floating around. It's kind of odd how many damn MP3-sourced discs of this are floating around. This has fine track transitions & is not warbles in any sense at all. As for the performance of the band...by this time, Tool was well polished in their performances -- very professional. Because of this professionalism, this show is like the majority of the other 2001 shows...but, it is not MP3 sourced, which is good for hard-core collectors. As such, the non-MP3 source is relatively rare. It is odd that when this came out, about 4 months after the show, there were a LOT of copies on the Net. When I attained this show, a random fella contacted me & said he had a non-MP3 version of this show which was taped by his friend with a Mini Disc. That is all the source information ha had, that is all the information that is known. Good + stellar performance by Tool - tight.
Maynardism: "Thank you very much."
CD 1
Time: 67:21
Tuva Throat
The Grudge
46 & 2
CD 2
Time: 33:10