2007.02.09 - Tokyo, Japan @ Zepp Tokyo

DAT --- ECM-717 (on my baseball cap) > TCD-D100 (48kHz)
DAT master > CDR (DENON CDR-1000) > .aif (Toast) >Remaster (SoundStudio & Peak) > .wav > Track Split (CDWave) > .flac (Level8)
Taper: the_sphere

Notes - Taper:
2nd night. We went back to Tokyo from Osaka at before the noon (caught the Shinkansen bullet train at 8:30) and went to the venue in the evening. Zepp Tokyo is SRO venue run by the same company as Zepp Osaka and the capacity is 2,416 (+200 on 2nd floor), slightly larger than Osaka...but still small for TOOL, right ? We went into the hall about 10mins before the show get start, so we could get 5th block, about 15m to stage, in front of Danny and it was the best at that time. The setlist was the same with Osaka. Static one. At this show, there're plenty of stupid white guys who screams at the beginning of Wings...Shut up and listen ! The sound was slightly worse than Osaka but still good. This time the recording captured intro drone to the end of the show. But unfortunately, I touched rec. level knob at the beginning of Vicarious jam accidentally, then the rec. level turned very low. It could adjust on the remastering process but present easily audible hiss-noise... damn.
Notes - Galen:
Good recording. Guitar, bass, drums & vocals are surprisingly lively in the mix. There does seem to be a slight echo or reverberation along with some healthy doses of microphone phasing throughout the recording. But that is if you are looking for something to complain about. To really complain you merely need to listen to the ever-so classy Americans that make it known they are in the audience. Why is it that Americans must be obnoxious wherever we go? Even at a Tool show in Japan? Strong performance, somewhat laid-back with *the* standard 2006 setlist. I do think it is worth noting that this taper (the_sphere) hit 4 out of the 5 Japanese shows & promptly shared them with all. That, my friends, is extremely nice. Muchos gracias to the taper - nice job.

"Please be quiet"

CD 1

<Bass Drone>
46 & 2
Lost Keys (Blame Hoffman)
Rosetta Stoned
The Pot

CD 2

Wings For Marie
10,000 Days