2007.05.22 - Corpus Cristi, TX, USA @ American Bank Center
Source A: Hi Mini Disc --- Giant Squid Cardiods > 9V batt box (w/ bass rolloff) > Sony MZ-RH1
Transfer: USB > Sonic Stage > WAV > CEP (Cool Edit Pro) > WAV > Wavlab > WAV > FLAC
Taper: inVINCEcible
Notes - Taper:
Major thanks again to Tooligan for Mastering my raw recording in both my San Antonio And this Corpus Christi shows. This being my second show , I went in the Wheels again and got by security without a hitch. As tight as security was, the staff at the American Bank Center were sure friendly staff in assisting me with any help needed. There was this couple next to me, young couple in which the guy next to me asked if I had any Tums or Rolaids for his gf who wasnt feeling well. They had asked before Tool came out on stage and I reccomended icecream or some kinda shake. Something dealing with Milk. She gave me this funny look and asked if they were selling anything. I told her, only one way to find out. So they rush down before Tool came out and they started playing Jambi. I see the chick with a smile on her face and came next to me and sat down. Around the 6:57 mark on Jambi, You Can hear her yell , "thanks for the icecream idea , it really helped" Little did she know i was recording and I responded with a smile and a big thumbs up. This same chick can be heard through some songs howling. This is my second taping of TooL and I hope you enjoy all the effort done by all the Tapers who do this. The time, money, and effort they every taper does out of sheer enjoyment. Be Sure to Give thanks to the tapers!
Notes - Tooligan:
First off I started off using Cool Edit Pro to combine all the separate tracks into a single wav file, and then amplified the entire show by 6dB. Then I used Wavelab to split the tracks and did some minor EQ adjustment (increasing the bass slightly, while lowering the mids and highs a bit to eliminate some of the brightness). Basically the same EQ adjustments made to his SA show, but with a slight varience. I feel honored that he let me help master this show for him. Enjoy
Notes - Galen:
Just a quick note on that girl the taper mentions "howling". You ever heard the Pink Floyd song "Seamus"? Yeah, well, that's what that chick sounds like to my ears. You get that? Write: seamus_music@captainmustard.com. Honestly this recording is slightly better in quality than the taper's 05/21/2007. The vocals are not completely buried, the guitar & cymbals are nice + clear however the overall 'sound' or end-result is a bit tinny. These are simply limitations of the microphones. Now if you were not someone such as I who has heard the good, the bad & the ugly Tool recordings you would probably say "this sounds pretty frickin' good what the hell is that dude talking about"! I would not blame you. The sound is recorded & it is not distorted; definitely better than other recordings, that's for sure.
Maynardism:"Good evening"
CD 1
Time: 50:06
<bass drone>
46 & 2
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
CD 2
Time: 69:49
Right in Two
Wings for Marie
10,000 Days
Source B: Hi Mini Disc --- DPA 4061 (matched pair) > CSBB > Line In > Sony MZRH10 (HiSP mode)
Transfer: Sony MZ-RH10 > SonicStage (USB cable) > Wavelab 3.04a (EQ, compression, normalize) > CD Wave Editor > FLACfrontend
Location: Section 102, Row 15, Seat 22 (Right side off of Justin's corner of the stage, straight up in line with the front row of floor seats)
Taper: Adam / pessimisticoptimist
Notes - Taper:
It was nice returning to the same city where I first saw TOOL 10 years ago... ah the memories. This turned out to be a pretty cool seat, because I was still in a sweet spot for the speakers, but was higher and able to see the visuals on the stage better, as well as being able to look out to the left to watch the lasers better. I really enjoyed this show.Also note, Pat Mastelotto and Trey Gunn from King Crimson appeared onstage for the extended Lateralus. Enjoy!
Notes - Galen:
This is one of those odd recordings where at times it seems like you are sitting, with ears bleeding, next to the stacks & other times the ambience/vibe of the audience is almost tangible. Some crowd chatter but not too much mixed with something that seems to have been a rather professional performance of the band. Honestly, I often need to just skip over Wings for Marie/10K Days but something kind of gripped me when I heard the song. Tool nailed this somber, beautiful, depressing & spiritual song during this performance. Of course I tend to focus on the performances I, myself saw, & would like to think they were special & maybe a couple were but this... this is one of the best performances of the cornerstone of Tool's 2006 release. Clear vocals, balanced guitars with a bass that hits so nicely it's like being slapped in the face with the lingerie of a Victoria's Secret model.
CD 1
Time: 60:49
CD 2
Time: 60:24