2006.06.14 - Hammersmith, UK @ Apollo
Source A: PDAudio --- Core Sound Binaruals > Mic2496 > PDAudio >Dell Axim51v @ 24/44100
Dissemination: Master > PC > Adobe Audtion > WAV 24/44100 > FlacFrontend > FLAC Level 8
Taper: Duncan
Gen: 0 Gen from Master
Notes - by: Galen / Performance: In contrast to the previous night, the performance was actually pretty good. MJK seemed quite a bit more into the performance & I suppose the rest of the band felt the same. Excellent version of Stinkfist; this is one of the rare songs that simple never, ever gets old. In my opinion, the performance of Stinkfist, captured on audio, is evidence of why I listen to Tool in the first place. Then, the band gets to The Pot... the crowd realizes this is not the same setlist as the night before! Then, Justin plays the first bar of the song a measure too soon. Ouch! The band recovers for a while, then you listen t the strangely very-echo effect of Rosetta Stoned & you wonder, did it mean to sound like this? What? However, that was not a mistake, that was what we call improv... right? As it is, Tool of course pulls it off. And that is, IMO, the theme of this performance; the band pulls it off. 100% into the gig? Maybe. But that does not always yield the sweetest of fruit? I'll stop this metaphorical bullshit & say that, long story short: better performance, energy & all together enjoyment than the previous night but that the band simply 'pulled this off' rather than deliver something that may go down in the history books as "legend".
Notes - by: Galen / Recording: This is one of the best sources for this performance to see the light of day however, it at times, may seem to have somewhat of an artificial sound. It is very difficult for me to properly explain what I am trying to convey other than the fact that it sometimes sounds fake. Huh? Yeah. However, I believe that is due to the significant amount of compression the band is having their performances sound like (from the board). Other bands do this as well although other names escape me at the moment other than Deftones. The recording is balanced, clean & clear - I get a sense that many folks who have upgraded to different mics will wonder to themselves how in the hell the CSB's could attain clarity like this. I know I am! Also MJK does the "I want what I want" x 4 right at the end of Sober; the first time I noticed that he has done that since the 2002 tour. So maybe London did get something fancy this performance(s) after all.
Maynardism: "Are there any Irish here tonight? Perfect."
Time: 101:55
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Right In Two
Rosetta Stoned
Source B: iRiver --- Core Sound Binaurals > Core Sound Battery Box (no bass roll-off - faulty unit) > iRiver H140 (Rockbox) / 44.1 kHz
Dissemination: Master > iRiver H140 (Rockbox) > USB > HDD > Adobe Audition 2.0 > Normalize > CD Wave > Tracks split > WAV > FLAC Frontend Level 8 > FLAC
Location: Front of left stack, about 15 feet back
Taper: Ben
Gen: 0 Gen from Master
Notes - by: Taper: Moved forward a few feet during the break in an attempt to avoid the chatter behind me
Notes - by: Galen / Recording: For the source information, simply excellent recording. Clean, crisp & delicious, this source simply delivers the goods. This also gives an indication of why CSB mics are & can be excellent Tools for recording Tools music. Even though as of 08/2006 many CSB microphones have received a bad name let this recording give testament to the accurate capture of the band. If half the US mini tour recordings came out this good, the world may very well be a better place. And it is worth noting that many US tapers used microphones + recorders at least correlative or more expensive but yet this yielded the most delicious nectar, so to speak.
Time: 94:36
Source C: DAT --- Danish Pro audio 4061 > MPS6030 > Sony TCD-D100 (Oade Mod)
Location: In line with right stacks. Hmm. Approximately 30 from back. Not sure.
Taper: Per
Gen: 1 Gen from Master (DAT-1)
Notes - by: Taper: Some idiot talking during the first song (Me. Hehe)...
Notes - by: Galen / Recording: I will admit, first & foremost, that I am very biased towards this recording. I am biased because the taper is a good friend of mine & also pulled, IMO, the best source for this show (and he had fun during the performance, imagine that). Of course, we both pretty much use the exact same source information as well.... anyway. I really, really dig this recording. Although the taper had some issues the previous night & this source may have a bit of low-end that knocks your socks off, I think, this source is simply the most accurate representation of the sound available barring an IEM or SBD recording. And I will stand by that statement. Other sources have feeling(s), body & mind however this source has soul. Not many live recordings catapult you backwards in time to a performance where, if you close your eyes, you are "there". Even listening to such staples such as Sober is not a chore, and if you know my preferences for Tool that song is not high up on my "I like hearing list" (perhaps due to the fact that up until the fall US tour 2006 they performed it the majority of the time) (Although, the performance of Sober is amazing with the 'I want , what I want' at the end - stellar). This may not be technically perfect at certain points as there are limited instances of crowd-activity & assorted noise but for pure enjoyment, clarity & fun; this source would be incredibly hard to beat. And, as of 11/2006, that has not occurred. If I may be so bold, this source is not only highly recommended but is a definitive recording for this leg. Nice job Per, thank you so much for the DAT-1. (Note: I cannot guarantee that you would get a similar good rating if you sent me your DAT-1 of X, Y or Z performance, sorry).
Time: 99:00
Source D: DPA 4061 > Sony MZ-NH900
Taper: Rob
Notes: By all means, this is a real nice capture of this performance. Crisp cymbals, bass hits hard but clean, the guitar is distorted in a classis AJ manner and MJK’s vocals, although buried at times, shine when the time is right. The taper had a good spot and this recording is evidence of that. Some may say that this is the best recording of this performance, well, subjectivity is real.
Time: 98:34