2001.10.31 - San Diego, CA, USA @ SDSU Cox Theatre
Source A: Mini Disc --- Sony ECM-ZS90 > Sharp MT-821
Taper: Randy R.
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes: Pretty good audience recording. For the equipment used, this recording sounds much better than one would think. Ahh...the Halloween show. I wonder if anyone knows if Tool dressed up at all for this occasion? What with the events of the month before & all, I wonder if they wanted to & what they 'were' if they did. The performance is one of the better from 2001 although it can be argued that they really didn't perform any bad shows. The crowd's energy & enthusiasm seems to come through this recording very nicely. I think that the most interesting thing about this show is when Hawk of Tricky comes out during Reflection & does a very neat reggae-rap.
CD 1
Time: 56:23
CD 2
Time: 72:25
Source B: DAT --- Core Sound High End Binaurals > Sony PCM-M1
Notes: Very enjoyable show and recording. The sound is balanced, crisp and clear. If anything, there seems to be a rather smooth quality about the audio but it seems just a bit distant and slightly muted - then, during Undertow, something happens and the audio becomes much more crisp & not muted. What I think happened was the taper had the mics in his shirt/sweater so security or others wouldn't see then took them out. When the mics were obscured, the sound was muted. Good thing the taper moved the mics as this turns into a great recording. Interesting hearing Tool's Halloween shows as it seems that the crowd expects something at least a little bit different - and Tool delivers(?)... There are various accounts of what the band members did or did not wear for Halloween this year...
CD 1
Time: 61:16
CD 2
Time: 68:15
The Grudge
(-) Ions
Eon Red Apocalypse <noise>
(with Hawk)
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
Source C: Danish Pro Audio 4061 > Sony PCM-M1
Notes: It is sources like this which made me want to purchase DPA 4061 microphones in the first place. This is clear, clean, concise and purposefully captures the vibe, energy and artistic integrity of Tool’s music. By far, this is the nicest source to listen to, however, all known sources are simply **fire!!* so no matter what source you choose, you made a great decision. This particular source was late to the party as it was torrented by the taper sometime in 2015 and, as I mentioned in the About section of CU.ORG, I am not redoing samples of sources past what I originally did back in the day. Call it artistic integrity.
Maynardism: "We'd like to dedicate this one to Rob." (Undertow)