2006.12.03 - Oberhausen, Germany @ Konig-Pilsner-Arena
Source: Hi-MD — Soundman OKM-IIr > Sony MZ-NH900
Taper: lostgermantapes
Notes - Taper: Recorded from floor, right, 6 meters from stage.
Notes: Why has this superbly clean, clear, crisp and very low crowd noise front of stack (must be) recording not been spoken about as one of the best captures of 2006? Why? This is the real deal. Fantastic. If you could only listen to one Euro-2006 recording, this is it. The taper must’ve been just hugging the stacks as the clarity is much appreciated. Seriously, add this to your collection as this is almost as good as it gets. Close. Very close.
Time: 1:48:15
Forty Six & 2
Lost Keys (Blame Hofmann)
Rosetta Stoned
Swamp Song
Wings for Marie (Pt 1)
10,000 Days (Wings, Pt 2)