2007.07.12 - Boston, MA, USA @ Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Source A: Hi-Mini Disc --- Core Sound Binaurals > battery box > Sony MZ-RH100 (PCM mode)
Transfer: SONY MZ-RH910 > Sony Sound Forge 9.0 (Slight EQ) > FLAC.
Location: Sec 6 Row P
Taper: BennyBlanco
Notes - Taper: Phenomenal !!!!!
Notes - Galen: Perhaps the 'set list' award for most interesting 'set list' for this tour leg would have to be awarded to this performance when Tool performed both of the 'alternate' 'older' tunes; Pushit & Flood. Alternately, the two other contenders would have to be 07/09/2007 Hamilton, ON & 07/13/2007 QC performances. This was also the last time Pushit was performed during this US leg. The band does appear to be spot-on this evening. The recording sounds, perhaps, a bit better than it should. The vocals are prevalent in the mix & the other instruments have a clear separation between them. That said, this source is slightly muddy with a good deal of crowd noise. Although not the most beautiful CSB recording to surface from this tour it is, however, a very good capture of this most interesting performance. Well, as interesting a performance is with the addition of one song without the subtraction of another... shit, help, I did not do great in my college math classes all those years ago. But you should know what I mean.
"Hey all you drunk bastards... Thank you for coming out to see us...see you soon. Take care of each other and be careful driving. I know you're all drunk so please resist the urge to have sex with a family member."
Time: 1:55:29
<bass drone>
Forty Six And Two
Rosetta Stoned
Wings For Marie (Pt 1)
10,000 Days (Wings Pt 2)
Source B: Solid State Recorder --- Core Sound Binaurals > battery box > Microtracker 24/96
Transfer: Audacity> Gain +12> WAV> FLAC > Torrent (dimeadozen)
Taper: ericcagle
Notes: I can imagine being at this show & wondering what the hell they are doing right after Pushit... is that Flood? Oh yes it is. Interesting. As it is, this recording is very, very thick or heavy sounding as opposed to being light & refreshing like a Sierra Mist (if you've ever had one, I have not but I am a sucker for marketing ploys, sayings & recently bought the Brooklyn Bridge to boot). I think this recording could have used a bit more EQ to separate the frequencies because, as it is now, it is simply really muddy. No real gentle way to put it. I'm sure that at some point some do-gooder will EQ this source & post a torrent of it somewhere or another. That may be a marginal improvement but it may also just confuse things. For some reason this recording is also incomplete for some reason, a valid reason I am sure, but it still is incomplete. And I think I am tapped out of things to comment on in regards to this particular source.
Time: 1:44:24
<bass drone>**

Source C - Video: Canon ZR800
Filmer: Tool Zeppelin
Location: Floor
Source C - Audio: Hi-Mini Disc --- Core Sound Binaurals > battery box > Sony MZ-RH100 (PCM mode)
Transfer: SONY MZ-RH910 > Sony Sound Forge 9.0 (Slight EQ) > FLAC.
Location: Sec 6 Row P
Taper: BennyBlanco
Notes: Tool Zeppelin has some serious balls to tape Tool. Oh I knowyou say. it takes balls to tape Tool too, sure, but then you can have your stuff concealed on some level - except for the paranoia that is because the Fox is coming to get you! The overwhelming majority of video recordings of Tool, or for that matter most bands, involve distant shots of figures on a stage with some decent-enough shaky close-ups. That, for the most part, is how most Tool videos are. But this one, oh man, this one (like a few notable others mentioned on cu.org) adds an entirely new dimension. Filmed from the floor this is one of my personal favorite Tool films from 2007. No, it is not perfect, there's no way it could be perfect what with the moving heads & whatnot but when the filmer got a good shot - he got a good shot. I mean that. Arguably one of the closest videos of Tool this is in rank with Cesaro's sources & concertvidz VCD from Tacoma, WA in 2001. The addition of the CSB>RH100 source adds a bit as well. Highly recommended. Excellent job all around - including the title screen/menu.
Time: 2:00:45