2007.08.28 - Frankfurt, Germany @ Jahrhunderthalle
Source A: Hi Mini Disc --- Soundprofessionals CMC-8 > Soundprofessionals SPSB-6 (@16Hz) > Sony MZ-RH1 (@ PCM 16bit/44.1khz)
Transfer/Editing: Sony HiMD > USB2.0 > SonicStage 4.2 > Cool Edit Pro 2.1 > Flac Frontend 1.7.1 Etree Edition (Level8) via (Cool Edit Pro 2.1)
Location: Last row in front of the tribune - right side of the SBD (direct in line with the hanging speakers)
Taper: DaGobert
Notes - Taper:
Lost some seconds on Track07 due to the HiMD exchange. Couldn´t check my levels and the jumpers on the spsb6 due to securities while Jambi. The first 1min30 are mono (had wrong settings on the left side). The HiMD had some access error so i lost some other frames on Jambi.. No equalizing has been done!
Notes - Galen:
Now you may notice after listening to show after show after show after show some commonalities with the sound such as low vocals, somewhat muddy bass & other associated tidbits of fun. However, this particular source (taper) managed to capture some of the cleanest most clearest vocals from this leg of the 2007 tour. Excellent, superb job. Take a quick listen to the vocals on the RS sample provided, am sure you will be surprised. Just a wonderful job on this recording, all around. Low crowd noise but still definitely a live recording this is one of the best from this leg. Top job. Now as for the setlist, well, it is clear that Tool was *on* during this show (as well as the others from this leg) so I think a lot of people did get a great performance, however, the hardcore fans would've enjoyed a new number or two. Anyway.
Maynardism: "Goodbye. We'll see you soon. Guide safely towards home, and see you soon...!"
Time: 1:45:09
<bass drone>
Rosetta Stoned
Wings For Marie
10,000 Days
Source B: Analog --- SONY TCM-353V Cassette Corder (recording Mono only, no Dolby) > PHILIPS earplugs (used as Mic) > TDK SA-X 100 (Tape)
Lineage: my own Mastertape > SONY TCM-353V Cassette Corder > Audacity > HDD > editing, mixing and splitting (via Audacity) > FLAC Frontend (Level 7 and tested) > TTD
Location: balcony, left / middle of stage, Row 2.
Taper: Uninvited94
Notes - Taper: *** The Recording ***The one thing I wanted to do was, well, taping a TOOL-show. Maybe just to tell my grand-children one day how their grandpa taped a TOOL-show. The other thing I wanted to do was (and always will be) taping a show with my stuff that sounds superior to a certain Fates Warning-show I have in my collection. As I´m now listening to my Tape the very first time, I´m quite surprised how nice this turned out. Without a proper Mic (I did not want to use that SONY Stereo clip-mic again as the recording I did with it sounded way too flat) and an Analog Walkman (recording Mono only) that´s rather built for recording interviews and stuff. I miss my old Sony WM-F66 I had since 1989. Wonder how that one would have sounded like, never taped a proper show with it. There are some very short drop-outs, only in the quiet Synthie intermissions and the very quiet parts, don´t know how and why this could happen. Probably because I had this "Voice Operated Recording"-button pressed. I apologize for that mistake. Mostly because of these drop-outs I´d suggest this tape for the completists among the TOOL-traders. There are a one or two crackles when the earplugs touched my leg. And the tape flip was exactly where it never should have been. But you will hardly make out annoying crowd chatter. Don´t ask how the WM and the earplugs were placed. I guess there are still remains of cellotape on my balls. *** The Venue *** A quite small venue (2.000 - 2.500) with a fantastic sound, hardly used for Rock-shows. Totally sold out. Security was tight, but they visibly gave up their no-smoking-zero-tolerance-policy in the second part of the show. *** The Show *** Awesome. After reading some reviews of the latest European shows, I didn´t expect too much, but they were great. Jones messed up some things (well, that´s Jones), but Maynard was in surprisingly good shape. One of the best versions of "Lateralus" I´ve heard so far, and I heard a few. Not to mention Justin and Danny (and I guess they will split up as Maynard told the audience "See you again soon!!" before "Vicarious").
Notes - Galen:
You know for the given source information I was expecting a whole lot worse. Really, for the kitsch-factor this is an interesting recording. Sure there is a layer of pervasive tape-hiss throughout, the vocals are somewhat muddy, the bass is not very noticeable, the drums are distant & you can clearly hear the imperfections but on the other hand this is also a very honest recording. I say honest recording simply because the taper simply wanted to tape Tool with what he had - and he did a fine job at it; all things considered. Not going to win any beauty prizes or anything like that but the recording is an interesting creation. This is definitely the only known analog from this leg of the tour. The sound is reminiscent of a Metallica show I have from 1992 - it was taped on just a walkmen like this - pretty much what it sounds like; rather tinny. As such, this is best left for collector's but please do not let that stop you from checking out this interesting recording.
Time: 1:37:50
Source C: Solid State Recorder --- MBHO 603a > ka200 n > CoreSound Mic2496 > M-Audio MicroTrack 24/96(@24/48)
Lineage: USB2.0 > PC > SonicStag
Taper: DaGobert
Notes - Galen:
Ah this is simply a fabulous recording. Particularly, MJK's vocals are not buried or obscured in the mix at all, Adam's guitar is clean throughout, the lower frequencies from Justin are captured accurately as well as the intricacies of Carey's drum set. The performance itself was very polished + professional; couple that with one of the better AUD recordings (this source!) from this particular leg & you have something close to a mandatory listening experience. Tip of the hat, not a wave of the finger to the taper - top job.
Time: 106:36
Source D: DAT ---- Sony ECM-717 > Sony TCD-D100
Lineage: 2nd Gen CDR > WAV > FLAC
Taper: kabi225
Notes - Galen: This source is a very nice capture of Tool. On its own, this source leaves the listener with an impression of the concert that there was little crowd noise/chatter & that Tool played good this evening. In comparison with Source D (MBHO>MT2496) though the differences between microphones are astounding. Not to imply that this source is not a wonderful listen, it is, but overall it seems a bit thin at times. This is due to the relative limitations & differences between microphones thus it is what it is. This source tends to actually have a slightly higher vocal mix as well. Nicely done.

Time: 107:14
Source E - 1: Video --- Canon HV20 (primary source throughout)
Taper E-1: Kurt
Source E - 2: Video --- Sony DSC T100 (Jambi + Stinkfist - only)
Taper E-2: Stanley
Gen: 1 from Master
Notes - Taper:
Major taping issue of the evening was the extremely vigilant security on the balcony - until Rosetta Stoned there was no cigarette smoker or cell phone taper they would not approach. They relaxed a little in the second half. I wanted to keep taping at all cost, so I put the cam down whenever someone moved and shot blindly most of the time. I'm not sure if it is thanks to the heads in front of me or due to the somewhat dense air but the cam did not behave as well as before, causing long periods of terribly unfocused video and a generally less crisp picture. Thanks go out to DaGobert for his audio and to spoonman for bringing stanley stansfield's material to me. Lossless audio sources of the show are available.
Notes - Galen:
I found this to be a very, very fun video. The addition of the tapers' audio makes this video a special treat. There is a bit of mixing between Source C-1 & Source C-2 in the beginning but that is not continuous. This, I believe, is Kurt (the filmers') second project in regards to capturing Tool live. I would say he succeeded in spades. Much like the 08/12/2007 video he did this has some quality captures of the individuals of Tool, Tool the band & Tool the light-show extravaganza. Although there are parts where the camera picks up 'blackness' (obviously a security duck) it would be foolish to imply that this necessary evil is a detractor, it most certainly is not - it is what it is. This is a highly recommended video. I've said it once, I'll say it again: Tool filmers love to live on the edge! Nice work.
Time: 1:45:43