2007.12.13 - Las Vegas, NV, USA @ The Pearl

Source A: DAT — DPA 4061 > MPS6030 > Sony PCM-M1 (Oade Mod II) @ 48 kHz
Source A1: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Transfer: DAT-M > Tascam DA-20 > Coaxial > Audiophile 24/96 > Goldwave (resample)
Location: Floor / Front of Stack - Left / Approx: 10' from speakers
Taper: Galen
Gen: collectiveunconscious.org Master Recording
2024 Notes: Retransferred from the DAT-M, this recording is really nice. There was minimal EQ done to it as the location was pristine; right on the floor at The Pearl. Clear sound throughout and the performance was great although, at the time, we thought MJK was holding back a bit. Listening back to it, though, this was a solid Tool show.
Notes: Having flown from where I live in the car-State the previous day & having spent the good portion of the day engaged in penny slots, alcohol consumption, trying to figure out what place had the best lobster bisque with fellow taper Geordy & a fella named Carlos and otherwise bumbling around in a state of over-stimulation via the sights of the fake city formed by the Mob; somehow, we all made it into the 2,400 capacity, sold-out performance of the second to last night of Tool's tour leg for the 10K Days album. I stood FOS on the left; Geordy stood FOS on the right. The idea was to put together a mix of Left (my source) + Right (Geordy's source) in each channel. Unfortunately, this was unable to occur do to some unforeseen technical issues. My particular spot was not only the closest I've ever been at a Tool show but the recording came out fantastic. To my ears, what is on my master is exactly what I heard while at the show. This is possibly one of my personal best Tool recordings as well. Audio; very pleased with. However, the performance was unfortunately lackluster. MJK did not scream, at all, during Stinkfist, Rosetta Stoned & on other songs restrained his voice to the Nth degree. It seemed that Adam, Justin & Danny basically reacted the same. On some level, yeah, they were a well-oiled machine making music on the other hand, at times, the lack of energy was palpable. That's not to say that this is a bad performance, really, it's not. It's just not as good as a performance as night 2 was. As it is, it is what it is, Tool are what they are.
Time: 2:03:52
<bass drone>
"Good Evening"
Rosetta Stoned
Wings For Marie
10,000 Days
"Thank you very much for coming out. See some of you again tomorrow night. Have a good night, drive safely. Peace out."
Source B: Solid State Recorder --- DPA 4061 > MMA6000 w/low cut @ 100hz > Microtrack 24/96(16 Bit@48Khz Wav)
Transfer: Microtrack 24/96 > USB > WAV > Flac Frontend > Flac[8]
Location: GA Floor, FOS-R, 25' back
Taper: Geordy
Notes - Geordy: Mic/preamp troubles throughout the show. When it sounds good, it sounds damn good as I had the perfect spot on the floor to tape from. This was by far the most unmotivated show I've ever seen this band play.
Notes - Galen: Pervasively throughout this recording there are volume differences in the channels. Too bad, this would otherwise be a simply fantastic recording. The technical issues unfortunately are un-repairable & are not terrible but it is what it is. There are some significant moments of clarity in this source though. The taper had a great spot & the sound is killer when it's not sounding like an epileptic phone sex operator. Sometimes there is a decent Informative Electromagnetic Machination which is correlative to this particular to this recording; good job to the taper.
Time: 1:58:57
Source C: Solid State Recorder --- Giant Squid Cardiods > 9V batt box (w/ bass rolloff) > Iriver hp120(rockbock)
Transfer: Iriver > USB > CEP > CD Wave > TLH > FLAC
Location: Section 303 Row B Seat 1
Taper: To0l
Gen: 0 from Master
Notes: This particular source sounds better then I, for one, would have thought based on the source information alone. That said, there are a few instances of microphone movement/phasing, some loud crowd noise & other intrusions but really that's trying to split hairs. You can tell that this was taped at a distance away from the stacks. The truth though is had the Pearl not sounded so damn good what with the high quality sound system then this recording would have suffered greatly. I used to have a pair of Giant Squid microphones and although they are capable of doing an ok job they really are meant best for small clubs. In my opinion, the distance from the stacks actually worked well for the microphones as the SPL did not saturate the volume at really any point. Overall, decent recording of a superb performance.
Time: 1:52:45
Source D: Mini DV --- Panasonic NV-GS17 > Panasonic 80min tape + Unknown Camera (filmed from pit)
Dissemination: Master > DVD
Location: Upper Right Seating / Camera hidden on knee
Taper: Huntington St.
Gen: 1 from Master
Notes: This is the only known video from this performance and it is actually quite good. There are a few instances of security 'ducks' & movement on the camera, however, the filmer manages to do a very nice job of keeping a relatively clear, straight & concise handling of the camera. Filmed from a distance, there are not a lot of very close-ups due to the nature of the circumstances. That said, for those that may be interested in enjoying a pleasant one-angle video then this may certainly be just for you. There are a couple different mixes/versions of this source in relation to the audio. There are 3... the video for each is the exact same but there is the 1) original audio, 2) Sync w/Source C audio & 3) sync with my DPA4016>M1/oade audio. I do believe that '3' is the most common of the versions with the original audio being the rarest, so to speak - talking to the 3 people that a) know what I'm talking about, b) have a vague interest & c) should be doing something else. As it is, pretty good video, not necessarily very exciting, per se, but definitely an enjoyable video. This filmer does have some ballz, let's just be honest. Hell, I know of a 'seasoned' Tool 'taper' who got busted RIGHT behind two other Tool tapers (who were not busted - I was one of them) walking through the upstairs entrance at this show. Interesting stuff.