1996-11-22 - New York City, NY, USA @ Roseland Ballroom
Source: Unknown Analog Recording Equipment
Notes: Decent recording. There are some weird track transition issues in all circulating copies & no one really is sure of source information. Definitely a decent DAT recording, this is a good show. It is, however, incomplete. Cold & Ugly is missing as is Sober. All in all, a decent listen but a frustrating entity in that no information is really known. And, it is incomplete...maybe a full version will make it's way to the light. Time will tell. I don't know, I think that a collector would appreciate this show more than the average listener. It has been rumored that C&U + Sober were intentionally left off this recording. Now, I wonder, why in the hell would someone do that? This recording is not even mind-blowing & too intentionally leave off tracks... that is just tacky. This has been out & about/traded for years but yet there are people out there, somewhere, with the complete version of this.
"Let's try something different here. When I count to three, I want you to dig way down deep to the very bottom part of your heart, compassionate and rich and thick part, when I say three; I want you to say yes. One, two, three. Just say yes"
Time: 67:45
Third Eye
46 & 2
Prison Sex (OTRM)
Cold & Ugly