1993.02.23 - Newcastle, England @ Riverside Club
February 23, 1993
Opening for:
Rage Against The Machine

Source: Sound Board > Analog Cables > Cassette-M > DAT-2 @ 32 KHZ
Taper: Sound Engineer
Gen: DAT-2

Notes: Awesome recording of a superb performance. In many ways, this particular recording is probably one of if not the best of the bunch. Exceptionally clean recording, not a lick of distortion, digital fuzz, deep sound & it is 100% complete. The choir-music intro is an interesting piece to choose, I wonder what it is - as in, who the original composer was/is? You must give it to Tool, they tend to pick interesting decisions for pre + post show music including the 'stage-intro' when the lights go down, people clad & the band walks on stage. Oh and for those keeping track, there is no "scream" on this version of Undertow.

Time: 43:14


(intro music)

MJK: Hi.


MJK: Hi, we're Tool from Akron, OH - a heavy rubber band prepare to dance.


Paul: Thanks you are too kind. We'd like to thank Rage Against The Machine for having us on their tour we've had a really good time. This song is called Sober.

Swamp Song

Paul: Thanks see ya.