2006.12.07 - Lyon, France @ Halle Tony Garnier
Source A: Hi-MiniDisc --- Sony ECM-917 > Sony MZ-NH 900Transfer: PC > Clean 3.0 > FLAC
Taper: YvesZ
Gen: 0 from Master
Notes: In comparison with the majority of recordings from this time period the end-result of this source is less than luxurious. The limitations of the microphones are evident throughout. Although not a "bad" recording that would be for collector's only this is not a great recording. This would be best understood as much below average quality. Not going to say that the performance itself was an inspirational journey to another dimension but the band did seem to be enjoying themselves; an element that is often missing from this era of Tool. I'll tell you what is the best thing about this performance (and recording)... At the end of the tune, the band fucks with noises. The predominant noise is what the band used during the 2001/2002 tour to signal the intermission. Only this time, they tweak it & incorporate it into the structure of Swamp Song for maybe another 5 minutes. Now, that, believe it or not, is why folks listen to hundreds of recordings of this band. For moments of experimental creativity as musicians (among other reasons, of course - like a nice healthy dose of lachrymology).
"Good evening, I've got some good news & some bad news. The bad news is, we don't speak French. The good news is we do speak music. Which translates no matter where you are from."
CD 1
Time: 60:27
<intro drone>
Forty Six & 2
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Swamp Song
CD 2
Time: 49:39
Wings For Marie
10,000 Days
Source B: DAT --- Core Sound High End Binaurals / 4061 > Core Sound Battery Box > Sony TCD-D100
Location: Front of Stack
Transfer: DAT-M > WAV
Taper: '<,>'
Gen: 1
Notes: Hmm. Breathtaking in it's clarity, this is a spellbinding performance by Tool with a recording that is as close to flawless as you will, ever, find. The nuances & hidden details that are so often buried in most recordings for one reason or another are at the forefront in this high quality source. From the drum roll on the snares to the crunching of the pick on the bas strings to the 'blip' sounds from an awkward note from the guitar combined with a perfectly balanced vocal mix... this is, simply put (run-on sentences aside), a definitive recording from this era. As a comparison, one may cross reference 11/23/96 Sebastianelli/CSB>D7oadeII source. Why does it seem that Tool puts on the best performances in France? Is it because it is simply one of the most beautiful & pleasant countries in the world or is it just the wine? I think it's the people.
<intro drone>
Forty Six & 2
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Swamp Song
Wings For Marie
10,000 Days