2007.09.04 - Zagreb, Croatia @ Salata
Source A: Hi-Mini Disc --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony MZ-RH1(Hi-MD)
Taper: zlatkoh
Gen: 0 from master
Notes - Taper: Here's my recording of the Zagreb show from the begining of this month. I didn't really like the show. I thought the band were way too much on the auto-pilot. Oh, well... Not every show can be a killer.Interlude is not complete. I opted to switch the disc during the Interlude, as I was hoping they would play for more than 90 minutes. They didn't. So I had to do a simple cross-fade of the two sources. It turned out just fine. As far as the recording goes, it's not really a high quality recording, but it's still enjoyable. MJK was not really much present in the mix, and the acustics of the Dom Sportova seem to be below par. I was standing some 6, 7 meters in front of the soundboard.
Notes - Galen: For the amount of crowd chatter, talking & otherwise associated white-noise; this recording is exceptional for the equipment used. The sound is very "in your face" with an edginess or crunchiness that is extremely live sounding. For the source information used this certainly is a fine recording. The vocals are not terribly buried, Adam's guitar is quite clean, the bass is not over-powering & Danny's drumming... well... is Danny's drumming. The crowd tends to not overreact to the Nth degree as what oft occurs during an AUD recording. Am unsure where the taper was standing but this sounds like a close-to Front of Stack recording or at least from the floor, for sure. The performance, though, seemed to lack a bit of energy. It sort of seemed like the band was bored at parts. Hmm, I wonder why? Perhaps the highlight of this performance is a blistering version of Flood - even though MJK did not do the yell. All in all, a better recording than gig by Tool. Ouch.
Maynardism: "Good evening"
Time: 87:27
<bass drone>
Rosetta Stoned