1994.05.12 - Minneapolis, MN, USA @ First Avenue Club

DAT --- Sonic Studios DSM-3 > Sony TCD-D3

This recording is slightly confusing. This was most likely in trade circulation from the taper in the mid 1990's & was transferred to cassette from DAT to CD a couple generations down the line. That version has a track-length of: 71:50. A while later, it was re-ripped from a much lower generation cassette/maybe DAT to CD & this includes another taste of pre-show musical bliss. Then, the taper transferred it to CD again & that copy has a time of 77:21. It is worth noting because the sound is a bit different but these are definitely from the same original source. No what to look for when you trade this show. No matter which version you have, it will do you good. Great performance by Tool, they seem to be in a very good mood & there is quite a bit of crowd banter. One of the better recordings from 1994, in my opinion, among the best.. Also, you should take note: this has one of the best, ever, intros to Swamp Song'. It is very clear. Sounds like the taper was standing in front of the stack, perhaps the left, as, if you listen very closely, the highs seem to be emanating from the left channel. If someone is FOS, many tapers will place the microphones right next to each other so a high quality recording will come out.


 "Failure had an interesting time crossing the border <from Canada>, let's just say there was some paraphernalia. Doctor jelly-finger gave them the thorough going over."                                                                                  

Time - taper rip, - pre music:  77:21
Time - with pre-show music 1 + 2:
Time - w/o  pre-show music 1:


Pre-Show Music #1
Pre-Show music #2 = “Poop Chute” by Frank Zappa

Cold & Ugly
Prison Sex
Swamp Song
4 degrees