1998.07.14 - Akron, OH, USA @ The Rubber Bowl (Ozzfest)
Source: DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony TCD-D7 (Oade Bros Mod II) @ 48 KHZ
Position: Front of Stack
Transfer: DAT-M > Tascam DA-20 > coax > Audiophile 24/96 > Sound Forge > WAV (transfer by cu.org/GSP)
Taper: Jeff Sebastianelli
Gen: Master Recording or "0" Generation
Notes: Perhaps the first mention here would be that this is one of my favorite performances + recordings from this tour. Once you listen to it in it's entirety, you may think so as well. Beautiful even? Currently, there are several rips/unknown transfers of this recording floating around. There are numerous different versions of this recording around with various times; two of the most common are 52:39 & 52:14. The one listed below is the length of the DAT tape/recording of this show including the taper walking to his car after the show, interesting. There is also a Melvins recording from the next night on the same tape; just a little note. This recording stands very far above the rest of any known Ozzfest recordings for sound quality & clarity. I don't think this taper could have pulled a bad tape if he tried to. He just had that taping touch. It's a shame there just aren't anymore great captures of those shows. Maybe one day. Also, right before Prison Sex, Adam plays a few bars that sound -strikingly- like the intro bars from Parabola. Makes you sort of wonder how long some of these songs were kicking around in the band member's individual + creative minds.
DAT Master
Time: 1:18:49
Can you feel it? Let me hear you say yes! Louder! Yes! Praise something or other.’
‘Goodness gracious. Let me take a moment to introduce the players.
Some of our fellow ? ? here. On drums we have Daniel ‘The Lion Fucker’ Carey, reverend Daniel. Reverend Maynard `Slayer of Able´ Keenan. Justin Chancellor unfortunately a Jew. And Adam, `The Right Hand of Eve´, ‘The Original Sinner’ Jones, Reverend Jones on guitar.
‘One more time, let me hear you say yes! This time in French say oui! This time in Spanish say sí! Good job! We have a very special guest here tonight, a person who has never seen us perform, her first time, she is horrified, it’s my mother. Judy take a bow. She’ll be spanking me all the way back to the dressing room later because I have been a very naughty boy.’
Prison Sex
‘Under a dead ohio sky’
‘It has been a pleasure screaming at you. Ozzy is coming up very soon, so don’t go away, make sure you take all your clothes off and greet him with a smile, as long as it’s legal. This is a song about something other leading into another one about something else.’
‘Stick around for Ozzy.’