
2015.10.30 - Tempe, AZ, USA @ Marquee Theatre: Clinic

No Known Recording


2015.10.31 - Tempe, AZ, USA @ Tempe Beach Park "Monster Mash Music Festival”

Source A: Solid State — Core Sound Binaural > Sony PCM-M10

Notes: The only Tool performance in 2015 and what a performance it truly was! The band dressed as Led Zeppelin. Tool dusted-off No Quarter for the first time in years to a very lucky crowd. Nice setlist as well. This recording is by far the best known recording to exist of Tool’s performance. First time I listened to LeifH’s source, it reminded me of some of the amazing Coachella 1999 recordings which were sourced from CSB microphones. Wonderful recordings with limitations from what sounds to be omni microphones in an outside venue not particularly close to the PA’s but also not crazy far away which is why the sound is strong. The crowd also has a dominant side as well; some people really like to sing which is great because we all go to Tool shows to hear our neighbors belt out incorrect lyrics. Great job to the taper.

Time: 1:45:08

No Quarter
The Grudge
Forty Six & 2
Drum Solo
(-) Ions

Source B: Solid State — Audio-Technica 853Rx > Tascam DR-2D
Taper: crazyafroman

Notes by taper:
13th Tool show - No Quarter :) Shout outs to Tool playing new songs! Shouts out to TDP - 2019 is a big year woooooo! Shout out to the Daves for joining the Coalition of Interstate Tool Time Travelers Eternal (*Arizona chapter) Halloween costumes are awesome for festivals...I found myself being danced with by a person dressed in a sexy fat lady blow up suit (constant air pump attached). It happened several times. As a result, some of this tape exhibits minor crackles, channel splicing and phasing. It also exhibits several days of love. Overall, really good sound, besides minor said flaws. Give it a try, you'll like it. Almost 4 years late on getting this one out - Time to revisit this set!
This is absolutely a fine, fine recording. Vocals are clean and I for one did not hear any of the minor flaws the taper discussed. MJK’s vocals, however, seem to be buried in the mix a bit more than one would like however not much one can do at open-air venues. All things considered, excellent job capturing a special set! Nice job to the taper.

Time: 1:43:29

Source C: Zoom Q3HD > Zoom Q3HD
Taper: MeddleEarth

Notes: Sometimes one can get exceptionally lucky with a built-in microphone recorded such as a Zoom or M10 or even an Edirol R09. Sadly, this recording is not one of those recordings. I wish I could say that this defied the odds however it suffers from an outside venue, some loud crowd, movement/phasing and the fact that in order to really pull something out of a challenging taping environment one would’ve needed to use some decent microphones.

Time: 1:43:47

Source D: iPhone

Notes: OOf. Collectors only. Although slightly better than some other iPhone recordings from the built-in microphone feature it is completely not good for audio recording. This source sounds as good as you think it would. Bass is distorted and the percussion hits hard whereas MJK’s vocals are for the most part buried.

Time: 1:36:20