2002.08.21 - Syracuse, NY, USA @ War Memorial On Center
Source A: DAT --- Sony ECM-907 > Sony PCM-M1
Notes: Slightly distant sounding recording... a little echo-e as well. Taper must've been relatively high up in the seating at this venue. Instruments, vocals are sometimes over-powered by the loud crowd, a fair bit of talking around microphones as well; not by taper but by random people. All in all, a decent listen but, again, distant sounding; which is something I'm never a big fan of. I would rather hear a slight peak or brickwall (loud) than something faint. One really funny thing about this show is the post-show commentary by the taper & his friends...he actually takes a piss. Then, they get into a 'play fight' & I'm 100% sure they are smoking some pot. Awesome stuff, in some ways, the post-show is better than the show.
CD 1
Time: 60:51
CD 2
Time: 67:13
The Grudge
(-) Ions
46 & 2
Source B: DAT --- Sonic Studios DSM-6S/L > PA-6LC3 > Sony PCM-M1
Notes: There is a little bit of reverberation or echo on this recording which is, taking a guess, due primarily to the venue itself & not the taper. Had this been a FOS recording then, obviously, the show would have a very different feel to it. During the initial intro music, there is a little bit of talking between between the taper(?) and someone else which is slightly amusing. The recording has a very live feeling to it and is pretty good capture of Tool. It seemed that the taper was in the stands somewhere as, during the places where crowds tend to sing along, the crowd noise increases significantly (ex: I'll keep digging") but is not bad at all. It is another element to the recording which gives evidence of it's live feel. All in all, a very good recording.
CD 1
Time: 61:12
CD 2
Time: 57:28
Source C: Mini Disc --- Sony ECM-MS908C > Sony MZ-R700
Taper: Charles C.
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes: Nice sounding recording. Pretty much an average 2002 recording with Sony ECM mics. There is a little bit of sound-bounce/reverberation but it seems like the venue had something to do with that as that issue is with other sources of audio as well as this one. One thing I find particularly interesting is that the taper was audio recording this while simultaneously was filming it. This is a new source to this show as I'm not sure whom the taper traded his audio out to but I think that most people would be happy to have this source in their collections because it is a fairly nice capture of the performance.
CD 1
Time: 53:43
CD 2
Time: 57:23
Source D: DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony TCD-D100
Taper: Toaster
Notes: There is a little bit of reverberation or echo on this recording which is, taking a guess, due primarily to the venue itself & not the taper. Had this been a FOS recording then, obviously, the show would have a very different feel to it. During the initial intro music, there is a little bit of talking between between the taper(?) and someone else which is slightly amusing. The recording has a very live feeling to it and is pretty good capture of Tool. It seemed that the taper was in the stands somewhere as, during the places where crowds tend to sing along, the crowd noise increases significantly (ex: I'll keep digging") but is not bad at all. It is another element to the recording which gives evidence of it's live feel. All in all, a very good recording.
CD 1
Time: 75:20
CD 2
Time: 42:01
Source E: Digital 8 --- Unspecified Recording Equipment
Source E: Master > VHS > DVD
Source: 1st Gen VHS > S-Video > Plextor PX-AV100U > U-Lead DVD > DVD (transfer: Galen 2005)
Taper: Charles C.
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes: There is talk of a DVD transfer of this show, which would be nice. I'm not sure if it is due to the VHS or if the recording is just like that but the colors sort of bleed into each other throughout the show. It is also rather dark. Filmed from the right-center, this is an above average film job even though, at times, it seems that the crowd is intent on having it be otherwise. Fine job - steady hand. Like many VHS recordings, there is some amount of "bleeding" of colors, this is unfortunate. Not sure of the connectors the taper used for transferring but they may not have been the best out there. Not sure of if or how many other sources from this taper are out there.
Time: 1:52:07
Source F: Unspecified Recording Equipment
Notes: This source is -not- the same as Source D. This source is rather common.
Notes: Really, a good watch/listen if you were really, for whatever reason, all about the show. Thing is, the camera is more often moving than stationary and jerks around a fair amount. For a show that was filmed from the very top of the venue on the upper-left (off center), the audio is actually rather clear. Decent, at least. The thing about it is, this DVD is very, very dark. Yes, Tool shows are dark but this is darker than usual. Maybe it is just me. On the positives, there are some very nice group shots and a few screen shots. The close-ups, although ok, are more shaky than straight. All in all, this is worth your time.. However, this recording is incomplete. Bummer.
Maynardism: "Mike & John from Tomahawk. Congratulations to you Mike & John, they are the very first entrepreneurs who were granted the privilege of opening a retail AmWay store. You can buy soap in a store rather than have some fat guy come to your door...knocking on your door. John & Mike's store, buy: soap, car wax & Chinese food. AmWay Chinese Food at Mike & John's. Thank you very much for sharing this moment with us. We hope that we have inspired you in some way. It is our hope that you will remember this feeling you've had all night & go take this feeling home in the coming months, coming years; use this feeling to create something positive. Of course this is in addition to getting naked & having sex."
Time: 1:24:48
The Grudge
(-) Ions
46 & 2