1995.12.31 - Oakland, CA, USA @ Oakland Coliseum

Source A:  
Unknown Video Recording Equipment
DVD Transfer:
3G > VHS > S-Video > Plextor PX-AV100U > U-Lead DVD > DVD 
(transfer: Galen 2005)
CD Transfer:
  3G > VHS > L & R RCA > Audiophile 2496 > WAV (transfer: Galen 1998)

Notes: Primus, the band, was much more permissive in regards to videos or audio. This particular performance was a dual headline with Primus. As such, Primus-fans recorded this show although it is interesting that even almost 30 years later, not one AUD recording not associated with the videos is known to exist. This is the center shot & there are two other shots floating around, left + right. Also, a taper has compiled all 3 angles & put them onto one recording. A slight layer of static coats this recording. This is not a soundboard recording - as one may suspect if Tool's management did it. Apparently, this recording simply uses just the microphones it came with. it is suspected that some actual microphone attachment was used. Problem is, no one is really sure. There are other versions of this show out there, right + left cams. All the audio is the same as, with all versions, you can hear a girl's high-pitched scream punctuate an otherwise sweet recording.
Tool played with Primus this evening. What a way to bring in the New Year. Just imagine that... actually, imagine the audience members. The "Tool" fan - some dude with a beastie tee, new tattoo & a can of coke mixing with the "Primus" fan - some dude & his sister/girlfriend opening up beers with their buckteeth... on New Years? Hell no. I'd stay away...

Source B: Unknown Video Recording Equipment
3G>VHS>S-Video>Plextor PX-AV100U>U-Lead DVD>DVD  (transfer: Galen 2005)
Right Angle

There is a video with a mix of both of the sources intertwined which is worth noting, although, unsure if that would qualify as it’s own source so it is left off. I mean, anyone can manufacture a mix after the fact.

The information I have is that this is a 3rd Gen VHS and the quality looks like it is so. Cannot verify this either way unfortunately. As it is, the right angle is my personal preference for watching this performance as there are quite a few quality focuses of the not just MJK but the band as a whole & the screens. This looks rather professional. If you look around, this right angle seems to be very hard to find for some reason. The center shot is the most common followed by the matrix followed by this one. Now, if there was a SBD audio to go along with this recording... huh... imagine that.

Notes: Tool played with Primus this evening. What a way to bring in the New Year. Just imagine that... actually, imagine the audience members. The "Tool" fan - some dude with a beastie tee, new tattoo & a can of coke mixing with the "Primus" fan - some dude & his sister/girlfriend opening up beers with their buckteeth... on New Years? Hell no. I'd stay away...

Notes by Comm4nd3r on 01/22/2006 from CU.org forum: Well I just watched this so I'll give it a shot. Video quality (VHS-3) on this is probably 7.5 out of 10 due to the gen. The filming job is pretty good though. There is some tape hiss covering the audio, but mostly only noticeable when the band is between songs. Sound is pretty good overall, slightly lacking bass, but relatively clear otherwise. Interesting setlist, playing 5 new songs and only 3 old ones. Bottom really stands out, I like the intensity level at the end. Early version of Aenema was pretty interesting (were they applying a sound effect to Maynard's voice? or was it something else?).

Time: 1:06:11

Setlist / Quote:


‘Nothing better to do tonight, huh? This is a new face. His name is Justin Chancellor, he’s from England.’


‘Hey. I don’t know if you guys are following the news or anything, but uh, I think it was uh, Jupiter, recently got hit with a comet or something? And uh, apparently they didn’t think anything was gonna happen but today in the news it turns out that Jupiter completely disintegrated. It’s no longer there it just completely vanished. Now I don’t know if any of you are familiar with astrology or not but, I think Sagittarius is the sign associated with Jupiter so all of you people that are Sagittarius are gonna slowly begin to disappear and I just wanted to be the first. I just wanted to be the first to say goodbye. Ha-ha’


‘So I hope you don’t mind us playing a few new songs tonight? That was one of em’. This is an older one.’

Prison Sex

‘This is a new one. It’s all about L.A falling into the ocean. It’s called Ænema.’
